The Operator’s
An indispensable guide to terms, ideas, and phrases — annotated with notes, nuance, and nit-picking from the Permanent Equity Ops Desk.
A accountability | authority | automation | autonomy
B bad behavior | bad manager | bad news | “Be a helper.” | beer money | boundaries | bureaucracy
C career | choke point | communicate | compensation | competitive advantages | conscious weakness | control | core values | creative destruction | culture | curiosity
D decision-making | define the playing field | delegate | dispensable | drink from the same straw
E efficiency | ego | expectations | extroverted
F failure points | feedback | flexibility | founder | frameworks
G golden rule | good manager
H healthy disagreement | honesty
I “I don’t know yet.” | “I have a question…” | “I’ll just do it myself.” | imposter syndrome | incentive alignment | incentives | individual contributor | innovation | introverted
J job
K kpis
L leader | long-term
M management | managing managers | mentorship | micromanagement | middle managers | mission and values statement
O one-one-ones | operator | overcommunicate
P people management philosophy | policy | predictability | principal | priorities | process
R relationship | road map
S slower, messier & worse | stakeholders | strategy | stupid questions
subconscious gifts | success
T tough conversations | tradeoffs | transparency | trust
W work cadence