I hope We Booked the Wrong Restaurant
Permanent Equity’s founder and CEO Brent got invited to speak at the CFA Society of Nebraska’s Value Investing Dinner Berkshire weekend this year. Thinking it a cool opportunity, he accepted, so we will be making a somewhat bigger show of force out in Omaha in May, including hosting some of our own meet-ups and events. In the course of thinking through what that might entail, we realized that we probably needed to start planning and booking things sooner rather than later since it’s not called “Woodstock for capitalists” for nothing.
And we’re glad we did!
Despite trying to plan way ahead, almost all of the venues we thought looked fun and interesting had already been booked by the time we got in touch. Fortunately, we found one restaurant that had availability during the time we wanted. Believing this might be too good to be true, I googled the place and discovered that it had a downtown location but also a suburban location. Had we triple-checked that what we were booking was the downtown location?
Yes we had, I was told. And, in fact, we had a hard stop because a party with a standing annual reservation was coming in after us.
“That’s good,” I said. “But it would have made for a funny Unqualified Opinion if we had booked the suburban location by accident.” (Though you probably wouldn’t be surprised to learn that people around the office – I won’t name names; you might guess who they are – are starting to get a little tired of me hoping weird stuff happens so I can write about it in this whatever-it-is – what some have started to referring to as my “little posts.”)
Anyway, I’m telling you all of this because we’re going to be in Omaha for the festivities on and around Saturday, May 3, and I am wondering if you will be there too? If so, shoot me a note and let’s figure out the logistics.
Have a great weekend.
– Tim